Saturday, January 24, 2009

White Water, Lips, and Curls: an elongated surf moment

I dropped into the wave and everything turned silent. The water was clear and I saw a stray piece of seaweed floating. Time slowed down as wave, actions, and desires melted together into one moment stretched. I dragged my hand in the curl and my face in the lip. The sun shined bright. Up and down the wave I went all the way to the inner reef stoked. I began to paddle back out only to get stuck inside. I was in the zone of white water, lips and curls. The white wash museum. As the outside sets came pounding, I relaxed safe inside and admired the infinite curvilinear forms and movements of white wash. As the sets subsided, I paddled back out and observed a similar wave to my last. I called it the, "Mini Nugget Super-Connector ". It peeled long and clean. The Mini Nugget Super-Connector comes hidden between Big Bullies. The cool guy slick wave. But that's another short story description I'll save for another time.
-Manny Aloha


birdbirder said...

manny your rad!!

Manny Aloha said...

Thanks Bruddah. Same to you.
You and James inspired me.
Tryin' to keep up with the Love you eminatin'.

Over Mountains and Seas
Keep rockin' the Steez