Sunday, July 15, 2007

From the Bottom up

Hello everyone. This blog is to monitor my growth from the bottom to somewhere up.
Things are not too bad at the moment, but of course I want to handle life better.
Where am I at now? In Honolulu, Hawaii. Have an apartment with my girlfriend Marisa. Surfin' about three times a week. Workin' as a graphics guy at a sign shop, skateboarding, and making art.
The way I see it...
The reason for living is to give. If you're waitin' for something or someone to make you happy, you're foolin' yourself. We gotta make ourselves happy.

Art is the only thing that's gonna save my ass and take me anywhere. That and giving to my woman Marisa because she gives me what I can't give myself. Art and my knowledge of surf and skate is what I can offer to the world... Surfing is a golden gift from the Hawaiians and the Ocean. Skateboarding is my roots and backbone. Skateboarding, surfing, and art making supply me with metaphors on life... how to be in the moment, how practice makes perfect, how to face my fears put them aside and trust my instincts....
I will share my discoveries as they come.

This blog is to join the party of The Dream Followers of the World, and to share my trials and tribulations. To let y'all know that you are not alone. Or to not feel alone myself... and to share parts of my personal life to my friends and family.
Enough said for now. Gotta get movin'.
Stay Light.
(Aloha means Love)


robert james miller said...

manny you sound and look great ...I read all the way through and can't wait for more....the sunshine rides on your words and into my heart ...thanks, till soon, your brother bird

Manny Aloha said...

I miss you my friend.
always welcome in Hawaii
in my home.